Hi, I'm Samantha O'Connell, an artist, coder, and graduate student from New York City. I am interested in pursuing a Master's in Integrated Design & Media. My passion lies at the intersection of design and technology, where I strive to create visually stunning and functional digital experiences that push the boundaries of interactive media.
Throughout my academic journey, I've developed diverse skills that encompass creative coding, visual design, and interactive media production. I am passionate and fascinated by the potential of combining art with code to design real-life instillations. This portfolio was created to showcase my projects and demonstrate my skills.
When I'm not immersed in digital projects, you can find me exploring the vibrant art and tech scene in New York City, or experimenting with new creative tools and techniques. I am always eager to take on new challenges and push my skills to the next level. My goal is to contribute to the ever-evolving field of digital media through innovative technological techniques and research. I am excited about the future of this industry and the film industry.
I look forward to collaborating on projects that require a unique blend of artistic vision and technical expertise.
Let's connect and create something amazing together!
Keep up with my activities and initiatives by following me on social media:
2024 - 2025
Computer Science, MS -- New York University Tandon School of Engineering (NYU Tandon)
The Computer Science Master's program at NYU Tandon School of Engineering is a 30-credit degree that consists of four main components: algorithms, core elective courses, a capstone course, and general elective courses. The degree focuses on various areas such as cybersecurity, data science, machine learning and AI, graphics, game engineering, and web search technology. A few relevant courses are: - Creative Coding - Design and Analysis of Algorithms I - Selected Topics in Management - Beyond Data: Gen AI-Driven Business Strategy Academic Achievements: - Scholarship Recipient, The National GEM Consortium (GEM) Fellowship Hackathon Projects: - Passed round 1 of 3, AES Corporation: OSF - Sustainable Life Project - 1 of 7 team finalists, Hack Dibner: Dibner Techies Project
2021 - 2024
Information Systems Management, BS -- New York University School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS)
The Information Systems Management is a STEM degree program that focuses on designing, operating, and evaluating competitive technology options for organizations. A few relevant courses are: - Fundamentals of Computing - Systems Analysis - Database Design - Special Topics in Information Systems Management - Human Computer Interaction - Marketing Analytics - Cultural and Legal Implications of Digital Technology - Digital Storytelling - Special Topics in Marketing Analytics - Network Security & Privacy Issues Academic Achievements: - Graduated with Cum Laude honors - Named to the Dean's List for three semesters - NYU SPS, Rising Star Award Recipient - GCSA, Community & Contribution Certificate Recipient - NYU SPS, University Honors Scholar - Founder's Day Award Recipient - MLH, Top 50 Hacker of 2023 Recipient - Rising Star Award Recipient - Scholarship Recipient, Covid 19 Relief Grant and NYU COVID Relief Grant III - Scholarship Recipient, SPS Community College Scholarship - Community College Transfer Opportunity Program (CCTOP) - Scholarship Recipient, SPS Scholarship - Scholarship Recipient, Shimkim Scholarship - Scholarship Recipient, DAUS Achievement Scholarship - Scholarship Recipient, Pell Grant and TAP - Scholarship Recipient, The Federal SEOG (Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant) Hackathon Projects: - Won Best Use of MATLAB, HackNYU: EDIA Health Project
2018 - 2021
Liberal Arts, AA -- CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC)
The Liberal Arts program offered courses in science, humanities, mathematics, and foreign languages. A few relevant language and art courses are: - Introduction to Theatre - Script Writing - Fundamentals of Journalism - P.R. Culture & Folk - Critical Thinking Academic Achievements: - Graduated with honors - Earned two Foundations of Leadership Certificates - Named to the Dean's List for three semesters - Scholarship Recipient, College Discovery (CD/ SEEK) - Scholarship Recipient, Governor's Committee on Scholastic Achievement (GCSA) - Scholarship Recipient, Military Enhanced Recognition Incentive and Tribute - Scholarship Recipient, Pell Grant and TAP Hackathon Projects: - 2nd Place Winner, CUNY BMCC Make-A-Thon: Give Food, Get Food (GFGF) Some extra curriculum activities were: - Member, Computer Programming Club and ACM-W - Member, College Discovery Club - Member, CUNY Coalition for Students with Disabilities (CCSD) - Member, Google Mentoring - Governor's Committee on Scholastic Achievement (GCSA) - Member, Google Developers Student Club (GDSC) - Member, Photo Club - Member, Sisterhood WRC - Member and Alumni, The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) Honor Society - Member, Writer's Guild Club
Explore some of my Art and Brand projects at
2024 - 2025
Computer Science, MS -- New York University Tandon School of Engineering (NYU Tandon)
Some of my volunteer experience and extra curriculum activities are: - Mentor, New York City Hackathon for Quantum (NYC HAQ) - Member, Alpha Sigma Lambda-Delta Upsilon Chapter Honor Society - Tandon Graduate Student Council Marketing Commissioner, NYU Tandon - Volunteer, HackNYU - Director of Marketing - Publicity and Communications, The Aviation Business Club - NYU Tandon - VIP Concrete Canoe Coordinator, NYU Tandon - VIP Concrete Canoe Designer, NYU Tandon - Benefits & Services Committee Member of the NYU Alumni Association Board, NYU - Alumni Council Member, GCSA
2021 - 2024
Information Systems Management, BS -- New York University School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS)
Some volunteer experience and extra curriculum activities were: - Member, Computer Programming Club - Member, Alpha Sigma Lambda-Delta Upsilon Chapter Honor Society - Social Media Chair & Secretary, NYU SPS SAAS Club - SPS Undergraduate Student Council Graphic Design Committee Chair, NYU SPS - Student/ Club Leader, NYU SPS - SPS Social Media and Design Committee Chair UG, NYU SPS - SPS Social Media and Design Committee Graphic Design Co-Chair, NYU SPS = Member, Student Governor's Assembly (SGA) Sustainability Committee - NYU Welcome Leader, NYU